Oke Tor is our Key Stage One Class (year 1 and 2) taught by Mr Jane.
Please see below for an overview of the learning for the year and a copy of our termly newsletter.
Welcome to Oke Tor
It is so wonderful to have a classroom full of inquisitive and motivated young learners. Please frequently check our class page to see what learning is taking place in Oke Tor.
In Oke Tor, we endevour to make our learning interactive and enjoyable whilst providing the necessary challenge to ensure all children progress and thrive. Our aim is to nurture and grow happy learners that are able to link make and apply exisiting and knew experiences, knowledge and ideas together.
Enrichment experiences play an important part in our learning. We love to use the natural and local environment to help us gain a real sense of place and connection with nature. When we can't get out and about we often bring natures treasures in.
We set high expectations of all children and provide them with the platform to become confident and successful learners through our learning dispositions, Responsibility, Independence, Resilience, Collaboration and Reflection which develops the children's skills and attributes.
Please stay connected with Oke Tor through our Class Dojo page where we celebrate and share learning, as well as communicate up and coming events where family support will be needed. If you have any queries about the information or a general question, please contact us via Dojo, however during teaching hours contact the school office if it is urgent.
Mr Jane
In Oke Tor we immerse ourselves in a wide range of rich fiction and non fiction text to support the development of our vocabulary, writing skills and reading comprehension through The Literacy Tree writing sequences, regular whole class guided reading and a daily story time.
Supporting the development of fluency in reading all children have the opportunity to read regularly in school and at home following the RWI book bag books. They provide the opportunity for all children to use and apply their growing phonic knowledge to develop as a secure and confident reader. Once children come to the end of the RWI programme they progress onto Accelerated Reader which provides fluent readers with a challenging opportunity to track their continued progress in reading followed by comprehension quizzing.
All children have the opportunity to select books from our wonderful library that they can share at home and develop a real love of books and reading for pleasure.
Where we can we link together our English, Maths, Science, History and Geography and wider subjects to enrich our learning. We like to make the most of the amazing outdoor learning space we have to soak up the huge landscape views over Dartmoor, inspiring our learning and giving us regular opportunities to connect with nature.
This term we are developing and securing our fluency and reasoning, and problem solving skills in daily maths from White Rose and Mastering Number.
Year 1 are learning about place value, addition and subtraction, length and heigh and mass and volume.
Year 2 are learning about shape, money, multiplication and division and length and height.
We encourage the children to develop and use a range of resources and methods to support individual learning needs.
All children have access to Times Table Rock Stars/ Numbots to support and embed their number knowledge.
Science and Outdoor Learning
Outdoor learning and learning from the outdoors plays an important part in Oke Tor. We take every opportunity to make the most of our diverse and rich natural environment in school and the local area, bringing our learning to life and developing our knowledge and skills as link makers.
This term we are learning about plants.
Religious Education
This term we are learning about what it means to belong to a faith community.
Non-Core subjects and Theme Learning
Where possible Oke Tor link together their different areas of learning to support the development of real and relevant knowledge and skills. Our learning takes place through geography field study opportunities and practical historical enquiry and investigation, enriched with the use of our outdoor environment and quality teaching resource to scaffold and inform teaching and learning.
Learning Organisers and vocabulary mats for Spring 2024
Why do we love to be by the seaside so much?
Why is the history of my locality significant?
Enrichment in Oke
Whether it is putting our wellies on and stepping out into our school environment to set up the wildlife camera, watch the birds, count the butterflies, or taking a trip a little further afield, Oke Tor do love an adventure!
Home learning
We encourage all our children to extend their learning beyond school and to help with this we provide Knowledge Organisers. Each Knowledge Organiser it created to enrich and support key learning and vocabulary for the foundation curriculum subjects. Please take the time to explore the Knowledge Organisers with your child regularly.
As a school we support the children's learning of statutory spellings and timetables with quality online resources which the children have the opportunity to access in school and at home where possible.
Spelling Shed https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb/
Times Table Rock Stars https://ttrockstars.com/
In order to develop children’s fluency in mathematics, we ask that they learn Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) each half term. KIRFs are designed to support the fluency in maths skills that underpin much of the maths learning in our school. They are particularly useful when calculating, adding, subtracting, multiplying or diving. They contain number facts such as number bonds and times tables that need constant practise and rehearsal, so children can recall them quickly and accurately, as well as learning to tell the time.